What beliefs do you need to have to achieve your dreams?
Beliefs are acceptance that something is true. As much as we don’t like to admit, many of our beliefs are limiting and self-defeating, as we go through life being pushed down by insecurity and negativity. This book can help remind us of the more positive beliefs that can propel us. The book tells a fictional story of an American Football head coach and his fateful encounters with five important visitors who share with him what it takes to achieve great things. Despite the story being rooted in sports, these five beliefs are universal and applicable whoever you are. What are these five beliefs?
- I focus on only the things I have total control over: my effort and my attitude
- I love what I do and I attack each day with joy and enthusiasm
- I dream big and I ignore the naysayers
- I am relentless and I will NEVER give up on my dreams
- I choose faith over fear
An allegory is usually a more fun way of sharing the message. This is a quick, short read that succinctly talks about why these five beliefs especially are so important and makes a lot of sense. We all want to achieve great things and do so in a happy, committed manner. Taking these five beliefs to heart can help us on this path.
PS. My Miami Dolphins made an appearance in the story (but as an organization that hired an unsuccessful coach so it’s painfully the closest thing to real life in all the story…