If we know anything about Curtis Jackson, it is as rapper persona 50 Cent. However, looking behind closer at his life, we see the life of a kid growing up in rough neighborhood but making it as a rapper, entrepreneur, series producer and philanthropist. The book explores the lessons and principles he lives by and weaves his life story to highlight these hard-earned lessons he synthesized from his experience

- Hustle: Make the right sacrifice to achieve your purpose. Smart, hard work can unlock a lot of doors and opportunities.
- Pick the right crew: Trust the right people. Learn to develop the ability to judge characters you want to surround yourselves with.
- Be fearless: Many people are scared about trying. Keep pushing, keep innovating. Stop asking and just do. Don’t wait for permission.
- Know your values: Don’t compromise when your vision is on the line. Settling can mean lack of confidence. Focus on the potential of your offer. Know the edge you’re holding. Don’t take anything personally or emotionally
- Evolve or die: You need that resiliency to keep going and have no excuse if things don’t go your way. Don’t get stuck in the past and find ways to embrace new techniques or technology. Reading or being in new environment meeting new people helps to expand your horizon. Admit mistakes. Don’t be entitled.
- Be mindful of perception: Ne aware of the energy and vibe (through your dress, attitude) you and others give in a room. Understand the narrative you want to project and find ways to do so.
- Find benefit in competition. Being antagonistic can help to push yourself further. Appreciate your competition but put learnings into action.
Talk about perception, 50 Cent himself gives a few tips that he finds useful
- Subtle forarm touch (even so slightly) can make people more agreeable
- Talking softly can allow you to control the room as people quietens down to listen to you
- Minimize nonverbal feedback to the other party. This can make others feel anxious and pay attention to you more
- Pay attention to your dress for different occasions
- Act like you don’t need it. DOn’t project neediness
- Fake it until you make it can work
Despite his thuggish appearance, this man definitely has so much entrepreneurial spirit and hustles a lot harder for his success than any of us. The lessons learnt can serve us well as we look to make the most of our situation and find the right opportunities to advance our livelihood.