What kind of leaders were able to change the world?
Henry Kissinger, in his role as the Secretary of States during the 1970s had a front row seat among the many influential figures of that era and he highlight six different individual who had made a huge mark in their respective countries and the corresponding world orders.
These six individuals are:
- Konrad Adenauer, the first leader post WW2 who brought Germany back from its tragedy and humiliation;
- Charles De Gualle, a militaryman and leader of the Fifth Republic who restored the prestige of France after WW2; Richard Nixon, who adeptly guided USA through many geopolitical conflicts despite his domestic downfall;
- Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian leader who pioneered peaceful process with Israel;
- Lee Kuan Yew, the leader who birthed and transformed Singapore into its unenviable position; and
- Magaret Thatcher, the prime minister who dragged United Kingdom back from its brink and restored its international credibility.
Common to these leaders are some of the key themes highlighted by Kissinger
- Directness and being tellers of hard truths. This caused divisiveness but that was also a catalyst to important changes in many situations they were in
- A penetrating sense of reality and a powerful vision they had the courage to act upon
- Education of wide range of subjects, including humanities and history, that helped them to understand the world, the psychology of others and themselves
- The middle class values, especially personal discipline, self-improvement, charity, patriotism and self-belief give them a foundation to succeed
- Deep-rooted sense of national identity which inspired their conviction to serve their citizen
- Devout religious upbringing (except Lee) trained them in self-control, reflecting on faults and orienting towards the future
This was not a quick read but I love the personal touches the author brought to each of the leaders presented. It is a call to action of what kind of leaders and qualities are needed to move our countries and world forward despite all the extremism and short-sightedness happening. History can definitely teaches us a lot and provide an aspirational blueprint to follow!