“The Education of an Idealist” is an auto-biography by Samantha Power, best known as the US Ambassador to the UN between 2013-2017 and lauded by Barack Obama as one of “America’s foremost thinkers in foreign policy”. She chronicles her journey from a a young Irish immigrant to a renowned journalist, human rights advocate, and a diplomat.

The book contains a blend of personal stories and insights into global politics, human rights, and the complexities of diplomacy. It gives a powerful focus on her experiences dealing with the most pressing human rights issues of our time (in Serbia, Syria, Libya and Ukraine), both as a journalist and as a high-ranking diplomat. Her details

Some thoughts that stick with me:

  1. Journalism is an instrumental role in shedding lights on events
  2. Atrocities around the world can be prevented. Do people want to do something?
  3. People are complex. Her impression of Aung San Su Kyi is jarring contrasting her Nobel-Peace-Prize winning persona with the reality of her a bad listener who anti-Rohingya stance
  4. UN is only a building. Only those inside can make things happen
  5. Keep highlighting causes that matter to you
  6. Crisis will happen. Use your support network to guide you through dark times
  7. Get to know people personally and care about them. Empathy can bridge a lot of gaps

Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in politics, diplomacy, human rights, and personal growth. Samantha Power’s memoir is an important reminder of values including empathy, courage, and perseverance in the pursuit of a more just and peaceful world.