What does a shepherd has to teach us modern-day workers? This fictional allegory shares a story of a successful leader who learnt the secrets of the shepherds and how to get the most out of their flocks. What are these 7 secrets?
- Know the condition of your flock: Engage your team regularly both personally and professionally and follow through. Know them one by one.
- Discover the SHAPE of your sheep: Select well who’s on your team. Look at their SHAPE (Strength, Heart, Attitude, Personality, Experiences) to make sure they are in the right team.
- Help your sheep identify with you: Build trust by modeling authenticity, integrity and compassion. Set high standard of performance and communicate relentlessly your values and mission.
- Make your pasture a safe place: Keep your people well-informed. Be aware of problems or problem-makers and deal with them quickly.
- The staff of direction: Use persuasion rather than coercion. Give people freedom but be ready to get them out of trouble.
- the rod of correction: Protect your team. Correct their action and use as teaching moments. Inspect their progress.
- The heart of the shepherd: Know that this is the way of life. It takes a lot of effort and sacrifice to earn the trust and right to lead.
It’s not so flattering comparing your team to sheep that you’re figuring out a way to follow you. Apart from that, the lessons are very applicable and something every leaders definitely should be aware of. The lessons are not so groundbreaking but I like the use of an allegory to make these lessons memorable. Leadership is personal and a humble shepherd can teach us all a lot of how to manage people.