Going through life nowadays, I see a lot of divisions and people from different factions not listening to each other, both in the news (think American politics or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) and in real life. Is this inevitable? Is there an explanation and solution behind this problem?
This book came at a timely for me as it seeks to answer this very question I have. The author attempts to provide a framework to explain the human tendencies and how we veer towards the extremes that leads to many of the impasse today.
He posits that, as time progressed, the technological progress exploded that advanced our civilization. However, our Primitive brains do not adjust to the new environment as quickly. This is akin to moths who used moonlight for navigation flock to street lights because they have not adapted to the new reality. Thus, each of us are guided by the ‘Higher Minds’, the rational, thinking side, and the Primitive mind, the selfish, tribal part. Using the political spectrum as an example, we should not look at issue from a strictly left vs. right perspective, but also in a grid, with Higher vs. Primitive axis as well. When we engage our Higher Minds, we disagree but work towards the actual truths and advance things forward. However, when the Primitive Minds take over, we become short-sighted, small-minded and hypocritical, thinks and acts with the pettiest emotions and our self-awareness goes down. This latter tribal mindsets, whether exhibited by the Left or the Right, makes real constructive argument difficult and stops any real progress from happening.

The book is accompanied by simple but effective graphics to highlight his concepts throughout

He analyzed the deteriorating state of the American Republican party and the toxic progression of the ‘Social Justice Fundamentalism’ (SJF) movement (aka the ‘woke’ culture). Looking at the low-rung extremes from both the Right and the Left, he aimed to show that destructive Primitive thinking is the real enemy.
What is the remedy he proposed? Be aware of the situation and have courage to stop saying what you don’t believe, to start saying things you do and to go public with your thoughts.
I appreciate a clear framework and reasoning the author proposes and his anylyses resonate strongly with me. I still have to think through more thoroughly at year end but this going to be very high on my favourite book I read in 2023 list. I look forward to a high-rung discussion with anyone on this topic!